Some days I’m very thankful I don’t live for shows like Dancing With the Stars. I’m not trying to judge you people who do watch it regularly, or look forward to it. I get that you’re busy, and that you just want to watch something silly and mindless, perhaps with your family. And watching minor “celebrities” dance is probably one of the least offensive things to watch as a family. So in that instance, no judgment. But – sometimes I really wonder why people keep coming back week after week, month after month to a crap show like DWTS. Take Bristol Palin’s performance last night. It was… um… “TV Theme” night, and Bristol and her partner chose The Monkees. So they dressed up like gorillas. The performance begins around 1:40…
It’s just… embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for her. I’ll defend Bristol about some things, but this is not one of them. It’s not just the gorilla costume, it’s also that she’s a crappy dancer and she didn’t learn the moves. Ugh. Apparently, the judges hated it too, and she got the lowest score of the night. So she might be out this week. Oh, well. I guess she’ll just have to go back to her “full time job” as a dental hygienist. Remarkably, she was able to get time off to do DWTS…? Huh.